
Core Values Index™ (CVI™) Certified Practitioner Training

Clients need to understand their hard-wiring. You can now dig underneath personality and open up more client work.

We’d love for you to join our community of professionals who experience more client impactful work.

Deep Dive into the Core Values Index™:

Here's what past attendees have said:

“After doing both the DiSC and Meyer-Briggs, I’m truly amazed at how the CVI nailed who I am in ways the other two did not. I’m looking forward to sharing this with others. An Executive coach in OR

“Timely assignment — and really timely content yesterday.  The lazy core value was relevant for family dynamics, and also the community versus independent jumped out at me given some current dynamics w/ a community group I’m a positional leader in.  -Business Coach in CO.”

“Had a GREAT time going over CVI with the staff yesterday!  I’ve had several one-on-ones with staff already regarding their results/scores.  AND, I keep having new insights myself into our team, individual staff members, as well as my self.  -Lead Pastor of a megachurch in WA

“I completed CVI training and I can honestly say that there was much more to take away, and build upon, than all the Myers-Briggs, Four Lenses, Seven Habits, and other personality tests/training I had received combined.  I see huge potential and value for young military and First Responders to learn these skills early in their career, but more so to soften the hearts and deepen the understanding of those who lead them.  I speak first-hand when I say that CVI helped me to understand my Airmen better.  It made me a better leader and subsequently, a better trainer to them. They didn’t see me as another leader putting more on them, but rather an advocate they would approach with the same type of anxieties I once carried. How powerful is that?!  -Non-Profit Leader & Trainer in FL

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